Copy Writing
Copy Writing
When people land on your site for the first time, you have around 10 seconds to get across a message that makes them want to stay there.
First time visitors make an extremely quick judgment about your site, in fact you typically have just 10 seconds or so to make a positive impression. So you have to explain immediately why people should stay.
Don't worry about not catching everyone because you only want targeted visitors anyway. The low interest types are not going to help drive up your AdSense revenues. A great way to do this is to put your number one benefit statement into the headline on your home page.
I do this on the sales page for my guide The Definitive Guide to Google AdSense.
Take a look.
The dreaded Corporate Yawn-fest
What doesn't work is a corporate yawn-fest on a web site that starts off with something like "We've pride ourselves in providing you, the customer, with excellence in everything we do..."
Apart from anything else, why would you believe them?
Now IF you get someone to stay on your site, they typically have a little look round first before delving more deeply into what you're offering.
Only if they continue to be interested are you likely to get their attention enough to get their contact details. And you may well not get them first time, which is why your site must also give them a reason to return unprompted. And the reason is Content - again.
But when they do come back, they'll really have a good look around and start to engage in the site. And that is when you'll get the AdSense clicks.
It's been quite a long session today and I hope you've taken it all in. Do check out the Autoresponder info if you haven't already got one because getting one is essential to any half-decent web marketing plan.
Tomorrow we are going to look at the format and styles of AdSense ads - Google offers a surprising degree of control over ad placement and appearance.
We'll also review the process of placing the AdSense code into your website site.
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