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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Web site traffic - first time visitors

You are going to have to promote your website to people who you know are likely to be interested in the contents of your site.

There are 8 standard strategies:

  1. Advertise your site offline using postcards, printed ads, signs on your car etc. BUT GIVE PEOPLE A GOOD REASON to visit in your ad.

  2. Advertise your site online with AdWords and other pay per click systems such as Overture - but watch you don't spend more than you earn.

  3. Get your site high on search engines (by building excellent content - that's what they look for).

    This is FREE, very competitive and is the best method although it takes time for a new site to get noticed. People searching on a search engine are ACTIVELY looking for stuff which means they are more likely to become active visitors, visitors who return and click - if they like what they find.

  4. Promote your site in an ezine about your subject matter (but make your writing interesting) and send it to your regular customers or visitors.

  5. Enter comments into discussion forums and include a short link to your site. I did this for in a brand-marketing forum and started getting visits almost immediately - for ZERO cost.

  6. Use PR techniques to get your site mentioned in the Press.

  7. Include your web address in your email signature ALWAYS. Again, this won't cost you anything but will increase the visit rate - and it can work very well if you do more than just put your web address on it - give them a reason to visit. ("Want to get paid by Google while you sleep? Visit Facts About AdSense to learn how" is what I use. It works.)

  8. Publish an ebook about your subject and give it away but include links to your website in it then get other people to give it away as a bonus or a freebie provided they keep the links to your site in place.



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