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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cost per Click

Cost per Click

The Cost per Click, whilst fundamentally determined by the advertiser, CAN be influenced by the content of your website: if you can modify your site so that it includes more content related to higher value keywords, you are more likely to get higher value click through prices.

For example, if you run a site about Bird Watching you may get ads posted about Bird Watching books. But why not extend the site to include content about the best binoculars for bird watchers?

Dedicate a page to this topic and you could find higher value ads running on that page because binoculars sell for more than books and businesses advertising binoculars may be willing to pay more for keywords relating to them.

You could also run some pages about travel and hotels in exotic locations where rich bird watchers like to take their holidays. It’s all content relevant to your site but it is likely to increase your AdSense revenues too.

If you've already got a site, visit the AdSense tool to find what ads Google is likely to run on it. If you get ads that don't seem relevant there are 2 possible causes:

  1. Google doesn't know what your page is about, or

  2. Google has never heard of your site.

Next: Estimating Cost Per Click


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